Written by Fishing Headquarters  /  On Jan 02, 2017

Chicagoland Fishing, Travel & Outdoor Show Returns in January

The Chicagoland Fishing, Travel & Outdoor Expo returns to Schaumburg, Ill., January 26-29, 2017.

http://www.seeklogo.com/images/A/American_Sportfishing_Association-logo-1F0190BA3E-seeklogo.com.gifThis fishing show is an angler’s dream and best opportunity to find anything fishing related. Whether it’s testing the latest fishing and outdoor gear or learning the latest and greatest techniques, the Expo is the place to be for anyone interested in exploring the outdoors.

Attendees to this year’s expo will have the opportunity to improve their fishing knowledge through a lineup of seminars with local and national fishing professionals, buy the newest fishing and outdoor gear and equipment from manufacturers and retailers from around the country and browse the latest fishing boats on the market.

Featuring over 100 travel related exhibitors (including guides, lodges, resorts and regional promotion agencies), most of the major fishing tackle manufacturers, local fishing retailers, and almost 100 fishing boats, you can see it, learn about it, touch it, and buy it at “The Sportfishing Spectacular” in Schaumburg. From bass to musky, walleye to pike, bluegill to crappie, salmon to trout – this show covers the pursuit of all species through all techniques, fly fishing to conventional.  Attend seminars with expert instructors and nationally recognized pro fishing celebrities.

The ASA Fishing & Outdoor Exposition shows are the finest sportsmen expos. The BEST outdoor gear, accessories and resources for fishing, boating, hunting, adventure and travel are available at the ASA Fishing & Outdoor Exposition shows. Get the latest gear, plan your next trip, learn from the pros and meet professional anglers and hunters at the finest sportsmen’s expos.



Show Location:

Schaumburg Convention Center, Schaumburg, Illinois

Show Dates:

Thursday, January 26, 2017 through Sunday, January 29, 2017

Show Times:

  • Thursday: 12:00pm-8:00pm
  • Friday: 12:00pm-8:00pm
  • Saturday: 10:00am-7:00pm
  • Sunday: 10:00am-5:00pm


  • Adults: $12
  • Children (5-11): $3
  • Children (under 5): Free

Covering all species through most techniques, fly fishing to conventional, you can attend seminars with expert instructors and nationally recognized pro fishing celebrities, learn to fly cast, and talk with some of the best guides and outfitters from around the globe.

The modern Schaumburg Convention Center, measuring nearly 100,000 square feet, is an exhibitor-friendly facility featuring easy move-in and out, abundant free parking for both exhibitors and attendees and easy access from all directions.



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