Written by Fishing Headquarters  /  On May 01, 2015

Fishing-Headquarters Online Magazine Issue 23

We would like to announce the release of Fishing-Headquarters Magazine, Issue 23. This is our issue for May & June 2015. It is our annual early summer issue.

Online Linkhttp://issuu.com/aragas/docs/fishing-headquarters-issue23

Website Linkhttp://www.fishing-headquarters.com/issue-23-may-june-2015

Everything we do at Fishing-Headquarters centers on our love of multispecies fishing and the ongoing process of educating ourselves and to catch more fish. In order to accomplish this, we’ve released yet another diverse issue for you.

As I conclude the layout and editing of this latest issue, I sit here and think of how we are rapidly beginning a new season of summer fishing. During the months of May and June, I will be on the road and fishing throughout the northcountry for a total of five weeks. Likewise, our team of writers are experiencing the same good “dilemmas.” As guides, educators, and influential anglers, they too are planning upcoming trips and travels for the summer season for themselves and their clients. As we all make plans, we look forward to gathering another year’s worth of editorial material for the web, and this publication, and to eventually share it all again in future issues.

With great pleasure, I introduce to you issue 23 of Fishing-Headquarters Magazine. This issue encompasses all good things that can be experienced for late spring and early summer fishing adventures and opportunities.  I would like to thank our team of writers, friends, and all contributors for allowing us to make this one again possible. We welcome and encourage all anglers with a story to join our annually growing team and its online rotation for this publication, and online at our website, www.fishing-headquarters.com.

  • Joseph Alfe
  • Cory Allen
  • David Graham
  • Jim Gronaw
  • Andrew Ragas
  • JP Bushey
  • With Matt Lynch and Marc Cooper

Fishing-Headquarters would like to thank its team of writers, friends, contributors and sponsors. Be sure to visit their websites and links where listed, and give them the support they deserve. This industry calls for your support thus allowing us all to succeed.

Please spread the word and pass on the publication links to your friends, acquaintances, and fellow fishermen. The best thing about it – it’s FREE.

Next Release:: Issue 24, Monday July 06, 2015

Read All Issues:: http://www.fishing-headquarters.com/online-magazine


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