Written by Fishing Headquarters  /  On Nov 01, 2014

Welcome to the Brand New Fishing-Headquarters.com

During the last week of October, we worked hard to rebuild and launch a new and improved Fishing-Headquarters.com website. Our new web format allows us to better present the online magazine, showcase more articles, contributor stories, independent reviews, and accommodate our growing rotation of feature writers and contributors.

Our History

In autumn 2005, Fishing-Headquarters.com began as a personal fishing home-page for Andrew Ragas, chronicling fishing reports, photos, and short stories in HTML web format. It quickly attracted a following of Chicago and Midwest based anglers which then expanded to a discussion board for multi-species fishing. In fall 2010, it then expanded to an online magazine, that still exists 4 seasons later. Through 2012, the website underwent a handful of re-designs and layout changes to meet the demands of its readership and the ever-changing landscape of internet communications. In 2012, the website in its current WordPress software format was launched, and by early 2014, after seven seasons in existence, the discussion boards shut down for good. On October 30th, the website in its present top-end dynamic layout was officially completed, thus allowing us to expand on our output of content and its presentation.

Our new website format is different, but the content is all still the same. We just have a lot more of it to showcase now.

Fishing-Headquarters.com Today

Readers and visitors who access our homepage at fishing-headquarters.com will be greeted by a pop-up advertisement for the online magazine. No need to fear, e-mail about a virus, or bookmark us into your list of spammer sites. Our aim by this addition is to improve our online magazine readership. Click to subscribe, and sign up however many times you’d like. If you prefer to never see this ad again when accessing our homepage, click the link as you have the option to never see it again. It’s FREE, and delivered to your e-mail. Who doesn’t like getting free things?

Other new areas you may see are dynamic ads located along our site’s footer, to promote our industry partners and their product advertising campaigns. You will also find increased emphasis on our gear and product reviews, full-page readability of our online magazine, and wider showcase of website pages and specific content sections.

In the coming winter months, we will be adding additional writers to join our online magazine rotation, and website contributors to showcase their works, promote themselves, and help with online content. If interested in having a role in this expansion and being part of our new online format, please let us know! While there still may be a few more additions and layout tweaks in the next few weeks, our new website format is ready to rock and roll at high-capacity production that will meet every angler’s needs.

Thank you for reading, visiting, and your continued support.

Andrew Ragas
Editor, Designer, Owner


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